It can be a scary job as a landlord. There is a balance to how little or how much you should be involved with your renters. Things may be difficult if there is no connection between you and them, but establishing a good relationship at the beginning will help with communication needs or problems that may arise. Here are some friendly tips to help you form that bond.
Be Dependable
If something breaks or something goes wrong inside the apartment, take care of the problem as soon as possible. This shows your client you care about any inconveniences they may be experiencing and that you are willing to get the job done. If your renters text or call you, promptly respond with the appropriate answer. Quickly solving issues can help earn the respect of those you are dealing with.
Be Truthful
Before they even sign the contract, make a habit of being straightforward with your clients. Steven Taylor Landlord will make a video of his property revealing the surrounding area, as well as what’s there onsite. Using real-life pictures will give potential tenants peace of mind knowing you are not trying to hide anything concerning what you have to offer. This simple act can help develop trustworthiness that will continue throughout the renting period.
Be Helpful
Willingly offer your occupants your services when they may need something. If you come across as busy and secluded, they may believe it’s best to stay out of your way. Let them know when the best times to get in touch with you are and give them multiple ways to reach you. Acting as their friend will help keep the lines of communication open.
Being a landlord encompasses many different traits of life, but your connection with people is one of the most important. These simple factors can help create some of the best landlord/renter relationships there are.